A better way to get that lightbulb idea to resonate one-on-one with a tough customer.  Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

A better way to get that lightbulb idea to resonate one-on-one with a tough customer. Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

One of the operating principles of Dunlop Media’s SPAR® communications trainings is that no device has ever surpassed the power of a well-told story when it comes to persuading an audience. But what about persuading an individual?  Especially one who’s a bit of a know-it-all - arrogant, narcissistic, or just plain disagreeable?  

An organizational psychologist has studied the art of persuasion in detail, focusing in particular on colleagues of the late Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs. His research identified four personality traits among individuals generally regarded as unpersuadable, and four techniques that were used successfully to help them change their minds. Courtesy Harvard Business Review.